

LETS TALK MENTAL HEALTH and HUMAN RIGHTS.#Projectspreadthe word.


In a society where human rights violations like rape and child abuse, domestic violence and the likes do not get the attention more intervention it demand the due to ignorance first of all …ignorance of many not knowing their rights or what to do if violated, people choosing to bury their pain because of stigmatization, and the sheer lack of mental health awareness.

So we believe that the lack of mental health and human rights awareness should be our first point of intervention because without the basic knowledge of this change cannot come.

We must bring up those uncomfortable/ hushed conversations  in Africa -out to the public- we have to talk about it and create an unwelcome environment for such evil in Africa.

We will be using various avenues like social media which is the fastest and most common as well as articles and books and many more… 

These projects will be announced /launched on or before the first quarter 2025, so follow us on our social media platforms to get all updates!

Remember that Your donations brings us the much needed funds to execute this project as soon as possible  because the need is great especially for the children and  the young people of Africa.



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